LowLevelFatalError - LoadPackageAsync: no name to search

Hello all.

I downloaded the ShooterGame and got it working properly in all intended platforms (Win64, XboxOne, PS4).
I was doing some testing around with the project (mostly renaming a bunch of stuff in order set a good base project to work on).
I got everything working great in the editor, as well as playing in a separate process via the Launch button in the editor.
However, when I create a shipping build, I have this runtime error right after the game starts (I can see and hear the start of the loading screen video before the error).


What is intriguing about it is that it is apparently trying to async-ly load a package from nowhere (within a content folder: ‘’). There are a bunch of places that could be calling this, I’m not sure where might be causing the problem.
But based on what I changed from the ShooterGame, I’m pretty sure it’s just trying to load something with an old name.

Where can I look for possible places that might use the old name and not accuse of an error/warning when compiling, linking or building?

I attached the build log here. [LINK][2]

Thank you.