Mobile - Cannot Package, and Deploy to Device

Hey, I followed the ‘[Android Quick Start][1]’ guide and installed the Android Development Kit to my system.
I get errors when packaging the project, or deploying to my device via the launch from editor function.

Launch from Editor

Package Project - Android ATC

I believe I linked the editor to the correct libraries

Things I have done to try remedy the problem

  • Verified the Engine
  • Installed Debug Icons
  • Disabled Antivirus
  • Deleted Intermediate, Config, and Saved folders
  • Installed Code Works to the same drive as UE4
  • Set UE4 to run as admin
  • Deploying as Development and Shipping

Does anyone have any ideas?


The problem is that the tutorial said to download the “1R6” library, when you should be using the more current “1R6u1”.

I ran into another problem after fixing this, it was because of illegal characters in the file path

Where I can find 1R6u1?