How to create "Team system", "Capture the flag", "Multiplayer" in Blueprint

I need a little help to create this, im blueprint

Do you have any experience with multiplayer? Because it’s not so easy to put a view blueprints together to make the Systems what you want.

I’ll try to help you:

  1. Look at this great tutorial from Epic into Multiplayer with Blueprints Blueprint Multiplayer: Project Overview | 01 | v4.11 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube
  2. How you yould achieve a simple Team System is to make some variables in the PlayerController. Like a bool for “IsInBlueTeam” and “IsInRedTeam”. This variables are then passed into the gamemode (on Serverside) and the Server starts the game. This is just an idea how you could do that. Theres many ways to get what you want.
  3. The same you can do with other modes: Let the Server Change the mode (Team- or Deathmatch for all) over variables and send that vars to the Clients. Start the game and all is fine.
  4. But: It is not easy to make this if you have no clue about Networking.