Project needs to have blueprints opened in order to not crash


I had made a previous bug report of this Editor crashes when opening BPs - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums but figured it was something on my end (it still might be) but I really need help, I’ve been working on this project for 8 months now and at this point I can not figure it out:

Opening my project:

  1. opening any uasset other than one called basecharacternew crashes the editor.

  2. opening basecharacternew first, the project works flawlessly, all files are able to communicate and reference properly.

  3. running fix up redirectors kinda does the opposite and breaks references to files such as the game instance blueprint, which can no longer be used in the project after running fix up re-directors - even after rewriting the blueprint functions with proper referencing to files (they should up in the editor but just do not execute)

This is a large project - around 15gb, is there anyway I can send the link through PM please?

I am really serious about this project, Please Help!

i actually fixed this, i had the project with so many backups that i was running them off the desktop and that was causing the first problem. putting it back into the original folder location and then running fix up redirectors seemed to unlink the game instance but hooking it back up in the project settings fixed it… i have now compiled successfully, so… wow what a relief