Android Jelly Bean (4.1.2) log2 error


I’m facing an issue with UE4 (since 4.15) that is for an Android Device I have from Huawei (adreno GPU).

When I try to compile the android with matchndk and android-19, the compilation is successful, but in the runtime, appears this message:

06-06 19:13:12.939: E/AndroidRuntime(10701): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library: reloc_library[1306]:   304 cannot locate 'log2'...

If I compile with android-16 (or 17), the compiler fails with “no log2 function”. Even if I create in my project header file an #define or even a function for ‘double log2(double)’, it fails with the message from another linked library (from UE4).

How can I solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Can I know if you’ve found any solution for this?

Thank you for your response. From 4.17.0, it is gone. I just tested it.

Just could test today. It is fixed, but I had to disable the Oculus Rift plugin from engine and change to android-16 build level for be able to compile and launch in the Android 4.1.2 device.
Tested in UE4 4.17.1.


Not at all! I didn’t test with new 4.17.0 Preview 2 engine version (yet).
For now, I’m not using Android.

Hey, @SungLab, I don’t know how this comments was split, I want to check your comment as answer corrected, but I can’t. If you want to make a new answer with the fixes, I will mark it as correct. Thanks!