Dynamic Lights shining through walls w/o shadows

I’m planning a sandboxy game where the player can place lots of objects but at some point he will surely run into big performance issues by placing too many dynamic lights.

The easiest solution would be turning off their shadows but if I do that the lights begin to shine through objects. Is there a way to prevent this with like Ambient Occlusion or any other cheaper method?

Hey Noxygen,

There are a few ways I see how you can approach this potential issue. You can set the Max draw distance of the light actors. You might want to establish a hard cap on the max number of dynamic shadow casting lights in your game. Also not allowing the user to create extreme light radius distances so you do not have too much dynamic shadowing overlap. Finally, using lighting channels to set objects apart from lights will help with performance as well. I hope these give you an idea of where to start.



Thanks for your reply.
Limiting the amount of dynamic lights is of course the simplest but very last option I want to choose if there is really no other way.

So I guess that means it’s not possible to disable shadow casting without having light shining through everything?