Apply Radial Damage & Apply Radial Damage with Fall Off

Hey guys… So I have been following the [Explosive Barrel Tutorial by Pub Games][1] (which is SUPER simple by the way, but it gives you a great leaping off point) and using Apply Radial Damage to inflict pain Physics Body targets (see image) within a radius around the barrel. I am using Physics Body as the Object Type in the array so that it will also damage other barrels like itself setting off a chain reaction of explosions if they are within the blast radius (and in the future it will effect vehicles and stuff like that). I have two questions:

1.0 Using the BP Network shown in the image, this results in my player being hit three or sometimes four times by the same blast? Any idea why?

2.0 Does ANYONE have any instructions or documentation on using the Apply Radial Damage with Fall Off? I cannot for the life of me seem to get this node to work properly and I just cannot find anything that explains the pins in the node and “how” it works in a conceptual way. Any help there would be very much appreciated.

Bumping for visibility. Is there anyone out there with radial damage experience that might be able to point me in the right direction?

… another bump. Can no one really point me in the direction of Radial Damage with Falloff documentation or tutorials?

It looks like you are looping over all your actors and applying the radial damage for each actor. Radial damage does this for you. The way this is meant to work is:

  1. Apply radial damage at a location once.
  2. Anything in the radius of the blast will receive Event Radial Damage.

THANK YOU so much for clearing that up. I will rebuild the node network as stated above. Cheers!