Client animation not playing on server

Thanks for the answer, but this is not a replication issue, because in the first blueprint I am setting the YawDelta locally for each character based on it’s world location in the current tick compared to the location on the previous tick.

In the mean team I have tested it on a different computer and everything works, so I will need to investigate further.

I am trying to play turn animations for a multiplayer game. Clients are able to see other clients and server controlled character animations, but the server can only see his own controlled character. It will see client characters turn but the animations are not played.

To determine whether the turn animation needs to be played, I compare the previous yaw with the current yaw on each tick in the pawn tick event and store the difference in the “Yaw Delta” variable:

This Yaw Delta variable is passed to the character animation class (inherited from UAnimInstance) in C++ like so:

void USCharacterAnimInstanceBase::NativeUpdateAnimation(float DeltaTimeX)

	//Always Check Pointers
	if (Character != nullptr)
		IsSprinting = Character->IsSprinting();
		IsTargeting = Character->IsTargeting();
		Speed = Character->GetVelocity().Size();

		if (Character->GetCurrentWeapon() != nullptr)
			CurrentWeaponType = Character->GetCurrentWeapon()->WeaponType;

		FVector Vel = Character->GetVelocity();
		FVector Forward = Character->GetActorForwardVector();
		FVector Right = Character->GetActorRightVector();

		MoveForward = FVector::DotProduct(Vel, Forward);
		MoveRight = FVector::DotProduct(Vel, Right);

		YawDelta = Character->YawDelta; //<--------------- RELEVANT LINE OF CODE HERE!!!!

		const FRotator AimOffsets = Character->GetAimOffsets();
		Pitch = AimOffsets.Pitch;

So now it can be used by the locomotion in a transition rule:

This setup works for all pawns on clients and servers except for the client controlled pawns on the server. Anything I am missing?

A note is that when I hardcode the YawDelta in C++ to 1.0f instead of getting it from the character, it will play the animation (endlessly ofcourse).

Updated to 4.16. Do not whether it is related, but everything is working as expected.