Enterprise Licence Problem

Are you talking about an internal application where you print and sell 3D models? In that case, there is no royalty because the application is only used internally and what is sold is a physical printed object.

Or, rather are you selling 3D printers with an Unreal Engine-based application shipped with the printer? And is it a customer-facing application or just something internal?

So the application is free to download, regardless of whether someone has bought your 3D printer?

Have you confirmed that your application does not meet the definition of an Engine Tool under the EULA?

I can’t tell you whether your application meets the definition; you need to read the definition and see for yourself. The main question is whether it uses or is based on the Unreal Engine Editor code.

As for the free to download regardless of whether you’ve bought the 3D printer, you say “I guess” but the answer is critical. If it is indeed free to everyone regardless of whether they’ve bought the printer, and it doesn’t ship with the printer, then there is no royalty.

It is definitely an over-statement to say that UE4 is free to use in non-game uses. It’s accurate to say that it’s free to use if the use falls within a royalty exception in the EULA sections 5(1-9).

The FAQ is referring to the free uses of the EULA I referenced above. Still, I can see how it could be seen as misleading so I’ll take a look into that further and see if we an clear it up.

i am now planning to write a support application using UE4 for our 3D printer. the application is helping to slice the 3D object and pass through the result into our printer.

but, i am not sure about what pay structure i had involved to.Should our company need to pay 5% of our 3D printer selling royalty ?

if not ?what should i pay in my case ?

we are selling the 3D printers . The user can download our application from internet.or use others, 3rd party software to printer their object

This mean, we are Licencing our application to the printers buyer. but we are not selling the application itself.

“So the application is free to download, regardless of whether someone has bought your 3D printer?”

something like that i guess.

“Have you confirmed that your application does not meet the definition of an Engine Tool under the EULA?”

it seems we back to the frist post.could u tell me ,application like we talk before. will meet the definition of an Engine Tool?

the reason why i have the idea using UE4 in the first place is.i find these FAQ. it looks like it say UE4 is free to use as a non-game/entertainment application. Do i misunderstand something ?

What does “Unreal Engine for enterprise” mean?
When we talk about “enterprise,” we are simply differentiating between those who use Unreal Engine for games and interactive entertainment applications, and those who use (or are looking to use) Unreal Engine for things like automotive visualisation, architectural visualization (arch viz), data presentations, linear entertainment or any one of a thousand other uses that don’t fit into the wider category of games.

Do enterprise customers receive a better version of UE4 than non-enterprise users?
There is only one version of Unreal Engine 4. All Unreal developers get all features, all source code, and so forth. What’s changed is that Epic now has an enterprise team that is dedicated to working with enterprise customers, who will have access to exactly the same Unreal Engine as the rest of the development community. The way Unreal is being used is rapidly expanding and we’re helping people outside of game development use it for their pipelines.

Does this mean that there is a charge for enterprise use?
Not necessarily. If you fall into the “enterprise” category you can certainly use UE4 under the free EULA with no obligation beyond those terms. However, if your business needs require a different arrangement you can contact us to discuss alternatives, including the option to take advantage of an enterprise support package.