Menu Not Showing In Packaged Build


I have been having a lot of trouble getting the main menu to work in the packaged build. Everything works fine in-editor.

In editor :


Here are the blueprints that drive the menu;

Level BP:


Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Note: The animations have nothing to do with this issue - it’s purely the widgets!


I would add some on screen debug logs to see what’s being called and what isn’t. It’s possible that the wrong level is being loaded or that the GameInstance isn’t set properly in the packaged build.

Thanks for the speedy reply!

So it turns out the cast to the GameInfoInstance is failing. Any ideas on how to resolve this?

How have you gone about setting the GameInstance currently? Is it set properly in DefaultEngine.ini?

Oh man!! It turns out I changed the path to my gameinfoinstance, so it was looking for it in the old path! Didn’t even know that was a thing!

Thanks so much Josh! I appreciate it :smiley:

No worries :slight_smile:
Happy to help. Good luck with your game!