Editor Loading Stuck at 71%

Were there any changes you made recently that could have caused this?
I once tried calling SetupAttachment on the same component calling the function and had the same thing occur. Stupid mistake and I’m surprised that it’s something the compiler didn’t detect. Hopefully that’s your issue too!

Unfortunatelly, it’s not the case… the project was running perfectly and the modification I made was trivial (only adding a log message). Problem was really the fact of the build process was interrupted when the computer froze.

Hi Everyone,

After building the game using hot reloading feature and when the editor was updating the same building (updating hot reloading) my computer froze, I believe due to some problems related to CPU temperature which I’ve already solved… The editor is not loading anymore, even after rebuilding, delete saved, intermediate files… and even trying to comment all my ProjectGameMode.cpp as other people are experiencing. I’ve trying to leave the loading for 1 hour and no result.

Anything I could try to solve this problem?


I had this issue once and I had to resolve it by doing three things.

  1. Regenerate project files
  2. Open the project in visual studio and clean entire project
  3. Build everything anew

Now you should be able to run it from visual studio and it should open. If it still fails, try reinstalling the engine and then removing the project config files.


Yes, I have. Now I’m trying uninstalling everything (Unreal Engines, launcher, folders) only to make sure it doesn’t have any corrupted file inside unreal folders. I wish it works out.

71% is where it is loading and processing all your content. If you have a lot of content, for example a lot of shaders, a lot of imported content from content examples etc, then it will take a loooong time. Most likely, if it never finishes there is an asset somewhere that causes your engine to get stuck processing it, so deleting this asset from the contents folder will solve it.

Hi, I’ve tried all these options and also tried with different engine versions without success… The editor stuck in 71%, but I realised (checking the windows task manager) the loading activates several shader compilation process which vanishes after some minutes.

Have you tried deleting your Build / Intermediate / Saved folders?

Can you open a new project?

Finally I’ve found the problem. It was a piece of code loading an .ini when editor was loading which is a little wierd because the same code was running before the problem, but at least I can fix the project and modify that code.

Thanks everyone for help me

Hello, can you be more specific about what was going on? I have the same problem :frowning:

For me it got stuck at ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<AHUD> trying to get blueprint asset in c++ GameMode. It worked fine before, I will use a blueprint GameMode instead and choose my HUD for it