Capturing a snapshot with USceneCaptureComponent2D with postprocess material

I’m using a USceneCaptureComponent2D to take snapshots at certain moments.

In the scene I’m using a PostProcess Volume which covers the whole level, and inside I’m using a blendable with a PostProcess material (to create outlines).

The problem is that when I take a snapshot the PostProcess material is ignored completely.

This is the code that creates the scene capture component:

mSceneCaptureComponent->ProjectionType = ECameraProjectionMode::Type::Perspective;
mSceneCaptureComponent->FOVAngle = 90.0f;
mSceneCaptureComponent->CaptureSource = ESceneCaptureSource::SCS_FinalColorLDR;
mSceneCaptureComponent->CompositeMode = ESceneCaptureCompositeMode::SCCM_Overwrite;
mSceneCaptureComponent->bCaptureOnMovement = false;
mSceneCaptureComponent->bCaptureEveryFrame = false;
mSceneCaptureComponent->MaxViewDistanceOverride = -1.0f;
mSceneCaptureComponent->bAutoActivate = true;
mSceneCaptureComponent->DetailMode = EDetailMode::DM_High;

And this is how I take the snapshot at certain moments:


Is there anything particular I should do to have postprocessing in the snapshot? I couldn’t find any information on the internet…

News: I’ve discovered that if I enable bCaptureEveryFrame then it works, but alas I can’t use it in my project. Is there a way to make it work without it?