Is it possible to create a SkeletalMesh out of StaticMeshes within editor?

Hi there,

I will use a very concrete example to describe my question more precisely. Imagine I have a static mesh that can be a car body and a static mesh that can be a car wheel. I would like to create a car from that. Just imagine I want to use props you get with starter content because that’s what I will do. For example use a table as car body and some balls for wheels. I guess I’ll have to make a SkeletalMesh to be able to use WheeledVehicle class for blueprint.

Could anybody simply tell me if that is possible within editor ? Or if not I’m ok to go with C++ too.

Thanks a lot in advance !

Hey ,

This isn’t possible within editor. Typically, your skeletal mesh would be created in an external modelling program, and each element of mesh would be linked by a bone structure in that program and then imported as a single FBX.

You can read up on process here:


Ok thanks. Yes of course I know how it should be done. Was just wondering if UE4 editor would allow by-passing that step to make it possible to programmers to play around with those kind of things without need of a modeler.

Your engine seems to be oriented to helping non-programmers be able to build a game on their own. But thus it’s not intended to help non-artists build a game. Wihout this feature we cannot even do some basic testing unless if we use some things you provide in your starter content.

I’m not an artist and I don’t want to spend my time learning to be one because it’s not my position. However artists can now work without programmers for plenty of things. It would be so great if you could also try thinking other way and help us programmers.

By way assuming that your editor can generate a skeletal mesh when you import a static model with multiple meshes (which was seen in vehicle video tutorials on your channel) why wouldn’t you be able to create one in editor by selecting meshes ? I mean yes it would be an additional feature or tool but would it really require that much to be done ? I mean you definitely completely master everything about models so…

Thanks for your answer anyways.

It may be something worth considering as a feature request, though it would require building an entirely new tool. If you would like, you can request this in our Everything Else section and our developers can see if it’s feasible.

Thanks. Actually I had already posted one here. Should I move it ?

Already taken care of. Thanks!

I’m not an artist and I don’t want to spend my time learning to be one because it’s not my position.

Two thoughts:

  1. There is a sedan vehicle in starter kit. You can use this for experimentation.
  2. If you are going to be working on games, you need to understand how artists think and work. Else you will not be effective at games development. Thus, “not my position” would be a counter-productive approach in this case.

Well basically you’re right. Except that I would prefer making a working ugly base first and once I got something that works then request some work from some artists. This is mainly because many will not want to pay for engine while I do. This resulting in them not knowing what I need exactly while I don’t either know what I need exactly. Rather then losing all that time I’d prefer to already have something that works.