Is it possible to import morph targets right into existing skeletalMesh?

Is it possible to import morph targets in separated process and then add to the existing mesh?
I want to import skeletalmeshes → do some developement and then import morph target when the they created by artists and ready to use.
Is it possible to import just morph targets and then add to existing mesh? or is it possible to copy morph targets from a skeletalmesh to another skeletalmesh?

You can use the reimport function.
right click on your skeletal mesh > reimport

You have some reimport options like the fbx path or what to add/update
right click on your skeletal mesh > details

Simply Re-importing doesn’t allow you to import only the morph targets it just lets you update the skeletal mesh if it has the morph targets added. Similar, but not quite the same. Sadly I don’t think importing morph targets alone is possible.