Passing variables between Blueprint and C++

Hi All,
I created a c++ function that can be called from a Blueprint with this signature:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "TaflUtilities")
bool Move(int32 StartX, int32 StartY, int32 FinishX, int32 FinishY);

I see the function in the blueprint and I can pass the 4 integers to it, but if I break into the C++ when the function is called I see garbage in the variables.
I also tried to pass 2 TArray\ variables, but it happens the same.

What I’m doing wrong?



Did you tried to print inputed values in game? I usally see garbage in debug too ; p

You’re right. It seems that passing the variables as ‘const int32 &’ works, but in the debugger sometimes you see the tight values, sometimes not. Now it is working in any case :).

It seems the passing the variables as const int32 & solves the problem.