Is there a way to place a matinee inside a blueprint actor?

Hey guys, i’m srsly needing some help with a little problem.
I created a simple blueprint menu.

When you click “Options” I wanted to play a matinee, but I can not put a Matinee inside a blueprint actor.
Does anyone have any idea of something I could do to solve this?

I think you need to use timeline. It’s a node inside the blueprint graph which you can use to make animations. Matinee can only be used with the level blueprint I think …

Its only possible play a matinee animation in Level Blueprint…but you can use a Event Dispatcher after you click in a button…after that you need you make the button selected…enter in level blueprint…add a event…then voilá!

I don’t know…but i think only a event can call a event dispatcher…so…or you need to put the call function after the click event or you just create a interface event inside the same menu blueprint

Create a Matinee Actor Reference variable in your Blueprint and then assign it the Matinee in the level you would like to use. After that you can call Play using the Matinee var.

Events however, seem to be bound to the Matinee Controller and can be only added to the Level Blueprint.