Basic item system not recognizing multiple items in collision area

I couldn’t think of a good title, but basically what I have on my character is a capsule collider that is the pickup area, any items that collide with it can be picked up, when that collider is overlapping with my pickup parent actor it lets me know that there is an item that can be picked up, and when the use key is pressed it will let me know that the item has been picked up and it will destroy the actor, all of that works well and as intended, unfortunately there is a problem when there is more than one item inside the pickup collider, while it does seem to know that there is more than one item there, it will only destroy one when use is pressed, to destroy the other I will have to reset the overlap by moving away and going back again…

You can see from those screenshots that it’s nothing really complicated, Is it possibly because the OnComponentBeginOverlap node doesn’t refresh every tick and is only fired once the overlap takes place?

I can’t really think of a way to get around this, so any help or pointers would be very much appreciated.