Why my mesh doesn't collide in idle animation?

Hello !

I am using the sidescroller template. I used the main character skeletal mesh to make an enemy. So there is a target point in the level and I use the simple move to location function in the blueprint to move it with a navigation bounds volume. Everything is working : it goes to the right place every time, the run animation fire if it is walking, else it’s the idle animation.
However, although I can collide my mesh when the enemy is running, I can’t when it doesn’t move in the idle animation ! So, is there a way to activate the collisions when a blueprint is not moving ?

Thanks for helping me !

If i correctly understood your question, you have to enable collisions on capsule component of your character. By default it’s set to no collision.

To change it you have to select custom collision profile and change collision to enabled.

Ok I just didn’t check the Generate Hit Events box. Now it is working ! Thank you !