How can I use the A and D keys to allow my character to walk to the sides?


How do I setup so that my player walks to the sides when pressing A or D and not rotating?

I have made the side walking animations, but don’t know how to setup the blueprint…

I’ve looked at the shooter sample, but could not figure out how it was done…

I experimented with Owen blueprint from the animation content samples…

But when trying to copy his anim blueprint content into my own blueprint, my character gets crumbled into a ball or something…

Looking at his blueprint i can see he has 2 skeleton meshes one is called bone-modifier or something i don’t remember? And replacing them both with my own or deleting one of them don’t work…

I can’t believe nobody knows how to setup this?

You would probably want to setup a 2D blend space with the strafing animations. Have a look at this video which briefly goes over the 2D blend space: - YouTube