How to I create an RTS style camera/character setup?

I made a new project with a custom game mode, player controller (to allow for mouse controls) character (added an angled camera) and made the game use the game mode in world settings yet the game still defaults to the standard (parallel to the ground) fly cam when I hit play.

Im trying to set up an RTS cam. After taking a look at some documentation and the top down example this is as far as I got.
Any help would be appreciated.

Hi ND1Razor,

Did you change the Default Game Mode and the Pawn Class to your custom blueprints? You can do this in the Project Settings > Maps & Modes > Default Modes.

Take a look at the links below for more info on Mouse Controls and character setup.

Content Examples Sample Project for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
Setting Up a Character in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
RTS Control in Blueprint? - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums

This means that your RTS camera is not getting possessed. In BP on level load use Set Target View with Blend and link your player controller and rts camera.

Worked, thanks!