UPawnMovement Velocity Replication

Hopefully this is a quick solution, driving myself crazy trying to figure this out.

I’m inheriting from the UFloatingPawnMovement for a custom movement component and replicating my input state to the server as seen below.

void UCustomMovement::PreTick(float DeltaTime)
	APawn* MyOwner = UpdatedComponent ? Cast<APawn>(UpdatedComponent->GetOwner()) : NULL;

	if (MyOwner && MyOwner->IsLocallyControlled())
		Server_UpdateCustomMovementState(ControlInputVector, ControlInputRotation);
		ControlInputVector = CustomMovementState.ControlInputVector;
		ControlInputRotation = CustomMovementState.ControlInputRotation;

void UCustomMovement::Server_UpdateCustomMovementState_Implementation(FVector InControlInputVector, FRotator InControlInputRotation)
	ControlInputVector = InControlInputVector;
	ControlInputRotation = InControlInputRotation;

	CustomMovementState.ControlInputVector = InControlInputVector;
	CustomMovementState.ControlInputRotation = InControlInputRotation;

Most frustrating part is that I can see the ControlInputVector on the server changing but the Velocity of the Pawn on the server stays the same. What am I doing wrong? Why does the Pawn move fine locally but not on the server?

Edit: Including the .h

struct FReplicatedCustomMovementState

	FVector ControlInputVector;

	FRotator ControlInputRotation;

class UCustomMovement : public UFloatingPawnMovement

	virtual void PreTick(float DeltaTime);
	virtual void TickComponent(float DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction *ThisTickFunction) OVERRIDE;

	void SetInputRotation(FRotator Rotation);

	UFUNCTION(Reliable, Server, WithValidation)
	void Server_UpdateCustomMovementState(FVector InControlInputVector, FRotator InControlInputRotation);
	virtual FVector ConsumeInputVector() OVERRIDE;

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = CustomMovement)
	float TurnSpeed;

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = CustomMovement)
	FRotator ControlInputRotation;

	UPROPERTY(Transient, Replicated)
	FReplicatedCustomMovementState CustomMovementState;

can you post your .h as well? How did you even get this to compile ? if you use a server function and _implementation then you also need a _validate as well, as far as I know :slight_smile:

Posted the .h in the question.

Here’s the validate function.

bool UShipMovement::Server_UpdateCustomMovementState_Validate(FVector InControlInputVector, FRotator InControlInputRotation)
	return true;

Answered my own question. Should have looked at the source of the FloatingPawnMovement component. Looks like I’ll have to roll my own.

const AController* Controller = PawnOwner->GetController();
if (Controller && Controller->IsLocalController())

Edit: Confirmed this is the offending code by commenting it out in the engine. I wonder if there’s a reason it’s limited to local only.

Where do you call ‘PreTick’ function? I call it from TickComponent, but will disconnect from server because of too many request at a same time.