A question about sound class management

Is there a way to create a sound class that manipulates other sound cues that can be used as a regular sound cue?

For example, when I created a gun sound, a bunch of gun sounds, and I need each one of them to have a random pitch variation of +5 to -5, I need to manually set the pitch random factor for each one of these gun shot sound.

Is there a way to create one sound manipulation class, that I can link all the sound source wave that I need to it, and output to a single node which does the variation for me? And more that I can use this manipulation sound class as regular sound cue but select the sound source I want with it?

BTW, Does Unreal Engine 4 use OpenAL for audios? If not, will it do in the future?

I’m afraid there isn’t really anything to affect a group of sounds like this.

You could perhaps make use of the Wave Param node in a single SoundCue though. If you’re not familiar with the node, it would be used something like this:

The Wave Player at the end is a fallback option if a parameter is not set. You’d name your Wave Param node something like ‘PrimaryWave’ and then set a parameter on the audio component that links that name to a SoundWave. Depending on how your sounds are played you may need some programmer support but there are methods of setting parameters via blueprints or from a details panel:

However I’m not sure that this method would be the most efficient for a sound that’s likely to play many times per second from various different guns.

Also, UE4 does make use of OpenAL but only on specific platforms like linux etc. There currently aren’t any plans to allow it to be used on all platforms as far as I’m aware.

Thanks for answering!