How can i use OnBeginCursorOver

Hi to, I’m trying to create an ‘On Begin Cursor Over’ (or End…) inside the EventGraph of an Character Blueprint but the ‘On Begin Cursor Over’ node does not work; I read something about this node in: Content Examples Sample Project for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

I used ‘On Begin Cursor Over’ node on a static mesh and all work perfectly(like in “Mouse Interface tutorial”) but how can I use it on a Character’s Mesh?

I’ve had the same problem. Could not get it to work with a skeletal mesh component while it worked perfectly well for a static mesh. Strangely enough, adding a static mesh component in addition to my skeletal mesh (scaled the engine default rock to loosely fit and made it invisible :slight_smile: ) did not only make the events for the static mesh available but all of a sudden I could also use the OnBeginOverlap Event in the level blueprint (the ones for the skeletal mesh itself still do nothing though), Could be a bug?

Hi there,

I was able to successfully get the overlap to work. A few things to check would be to make sure to “Set Enable Mouse Over Events” to True and set the Skeletal Mesh’s Collision to Block the Visibility Trace Response channel.

Any details about your set up or blueprints may help. Let me know if any of this helps.


Hi . Yes, what you describe is what I have as settings too. MouseOverEvents and MouseClickEvents enabled in the CharacterControler (also set the cursor to “hand” so I am sure it really uses THAT controler and I did not make a mistake there) . The SkeletalMesh component has Collisions enabled and set to “custom”, Object type is set to Pawn (I tried all the other ones too though) and its set to block on all channels. Still does not work. And still if I turn on collision for the static mesh compnent that I added to the same actor for testing (see note above) all off a sudden I get not only the responses for the static mesh but also for the skeletal mesh (weirdly enough ony in the level blueprint though, The handlers on the actor still wont fire)

Hey Anorian,

Can you post a screenshot of your Event Graph where the event is being called? Also images of your components collision setups may help me investigate this further.


I am trying really hard :frowning: Made 5 nice screen shots (netting not more than 288kb together and it wont let me post it here. Ignore my clicks on the comment button just like the event graph ignores my mouse overs lol

So, next try, this time as one image:

To re-iterate what happens: If I turn collision on the static mesh component ON then I get a response on the level’s event graph but not on the actor’s. If I turn collision on the static mesh OFF ( or remove it entirely) then I dont get any more responses at all.

Hi Anorian,

I noticed in the screenshots above that you show the Collision for the Mesh and Skeletal Mesh but not for the Capsule component. Make sure that the Trace Response for Visibility and Camera are both set to block.

I’m also failing to get a static mesh, billboard or even a collision sphere as a component in an actor to react to BeginCursorOver (my camera is not the player camera at the time), and I’ve set all the above blocking response settings and enabled controller events for mouse over and click.

A full screen widget is opened by the same actor which has the component I want to mouse over, but Input mode is set to game and UI.

My solution regarding Mouse over/Click events to work on a Skeletal Mesh, was to create a physics body for it. Seems that that is the collision he wants for the event to work.

I had the same problem. What helped is changing the following setting on the Mesh:
Collission → Collision Presets
From CharacterMesh to PhysicsBody