How to slove "out of date" on Debug F5

  1. I have finished build the unreal engine 4.2,
  2. Close the vs2013
  3. Reopen vs2013
  4. Press F5 .It always says it is Out of Date

How can I slove the problem? It will take my 40 minutes every time I build it. It’s annoying me so much. Please help me.

My OS : windows 8.1 update
dev tool : vs2013 ultimate

My computer’s time is right !

I’m not sure if this is what you are asking, but when you build the second time (assuming you haven’t deleted the build files or hit clean or whatever), it won’t rebuild the whole engine, just the parts that have changed (e.g. your game code) which will take ~5s!

I haven’t make any change when I have buit the whole engine,but when I debug I receive the message from vs2013 : This project is out of date.UE4-Debug_Editor x64,my question is same at,but that thread don’t make any methond to slove this problem,what should I do ?

Hi mikeche,

As the other thread stated, this is a side effect of us using nMake to build. Unfortunately there is no solution for it, this will always happen when you start a debug instance of your project.

Are you running the actual Editor through Visual Studio’s debugging tools? If so, you probably won’t want to do that. Once you have built the Engine, you can launch the Editor by running the UE4Editor.exe file that is created when you built the Engine. This file is located at \Engine\Binaries\Win64. Running that executable will launch the Editor in a few seconds, and it may be a good idea to place a shortcut to the executable on your desktop.

In this UE4 document it’s stated, that this is a know Visual Studio issue and that it is save to check the “Do not show this dialog again” checkbox and press “No”. Whilst I like to leave the checkbox unchecked myself, I happily press “No” and it works for me.