Why doesn't "open level" work in the executable?

I recently switched over to 4.16, and I have been having some problems due to this. One of these is that after I click “Host Game” in my game everything does what its supposed to, exept open the chosen level. However, in the editor it does this every time no problem.

It looks like its just the last bit “Open level” which does not execute in the packaged executable because it prints the string “Session created successfully” successfully. But in the executable it just sends me back to the start of the main menu.
What might be the problem here?


Is this what you are talking about? Because if so, it seems like there is no maps packaged. Do I manually have to add all the maps in this list? And why did the main menu map package when the others didn’t by default?

It does work now tho after I added the map in the list! Thanks :smiley:

Is your level included in the packaged build? There’s an option in Project Settings under Packaging for which maps to include.

No problem! Glad to help.