Make Aimoffsets blend properly with other animations in Persona

I have an aim offset that works great on its own. But I’m having trouble layering it onto my run cycle and attack animation.

Right now it looks like this:

The locomotion state machine is plugged in along with the R_Arm animation that is the attack animation. The aim offset isn’t plugged into anything right now. I’ve tried several setups trying to get it to work so that the locomotion is visible, the Right Arm plays the attack idle animation, his arm is essentially just held out and when you left click he moves his arm. I want that right arm animation to be affected by the aim offset but I’m not even sure it is possible the way the animations are built. It’s very hard to explain in text.

If I were to plug in the aimoffset directly to the result he will move his head, chest and right arm in the direction that the camera is looking. But I can’t have that when he has his attacking animation since that was just animated to go forwards. So maybe i have to redo the attack animation? Figured I could make it so that the attack animation which is animated to just go forwards could somehow be blended into the direction of the aimoffset. First time doing this so I’m not sure.

If anyone has experience with aimoffsets then I would greatly appreciate your help.

Still stuck on this problem. Nobody seems to know anything about my problem. Welp.

Hi Torabi,

Have you managed to get past this problem? I am now also struggling with this.


Nope, been busy with University so I haven’t gotten around to it. Asked several times since on answerhub though. Managed to get a hold of a senior technical animator from Epic but before I could solve my problem he vanished.

Guess I’ll have to give it a go eventually.

I understand that its an old question, but perhaps this can be useful to other people struggling with the same kind of problem. Here is how you can set up such a system:

When you stand in place you are gonna play fullbody animations and when you start to run you will play layered animations. You need to use the Upperbody slot for firing animations (through AnimMontage) and make sure to have it before your additive AimOffset. You also generaly don’t need Yaw because you are controlling it with your input device. What you see is the most basic setup but it can be easily expanded to meet production level if need be.

Hope this helps :slight_smile: