Updating Settings of BP_Sky_Sphere dynamically.

Have you looked into TIME OF DAY tutorials.

But the best answer is YES you can do this without using the level blueprint.
Heres a sample of how I did the driver.
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Hey all. I haven’t been able to find a way to call the BP_Sky_Sphere object via another blueprint (creating a Dynamic Weather Blueprint). I want to be able to update the cloud settings of the sky sphere from my weather blueprint WITHOUT having to resort to using the level blueprint so that I can dynamically use this weather system on any level without having to update level blueprint. Any ideas guys? Would love to hear your ideas, please help!

Unfortunately, I do not understand how this works… Maybe that answer is a little too high level for me. I guess the more specific question is, how to I use the current, working BP_Sky_Sphere INSIDE another blueprint. For example: I can add a Height Fog Component to my weather blueprint (and therefore I can control it’s settings), but I cannot add a blueprint to my blueprint and do the same. Also, I can see that you are updating your Sun which is being referenced via the Persistent Level, which is what I am trying to avoid. I want to create a blueprint that has the sky, sun, atmospheric fog, height fog…etc all in one blueprint that I can drop into any level and instantly have a working system without having to reference any “in-level” objects. Is this possible?

Actually the sun is just a directional light that is moving to create realistic shadows. I then have the relationship feed back into the skysphere and update it so that it will change from day to night.

You can so this without a directional light and still a achieve similar effect but none of this was attached to a level just 2 assets that could be used in any level.

Which blueprint are these nodes on? They look like they are on the Level Blueprint? If not, how did you get the sun object to be referenced inside this blueprint?

look at the skysphere blueprint and you will see it has a way to reference to a directional light actor which it then takes reference to the pitch of it to change the look of the skysphere.

I did the same thing so you have to set the directional light actor once you place the movement in the level.

So I am still working on this system, and I am still having trouble with the various moving parts all working together under one blueprint. I am now making a copy of the default BP_Sky_Sphere (the one that shipped from Unreal), and I am re-building everything on that blue print. Unfortunately, the DirectionalLight is STILL placed in the level with this blueprint. Is there a way for me to make the DirectionalLight a component of the skyshere so that it controls everything in house, rather that speaking to an object that has to be separately placed into the level? Can you think of a way to do this?

Ill take a look at it if you have Skype you can add me my user name is the same name as here.

Be happy to work with you on it.

If you look at the solus tutorial video and download their sample code, they will point you in the right direction for having a self contained blueprint with sun, moons, and weather. Their version does alot, but you can “easily” strip out what you dont need.

I found another workaround, thanks so much for your help!

… are you not going to say what it is?

Actually I deleted all the level content and built a “sky” blueprint that has a sky sphere and lighting of its own, and can drop it into any level so that the entire process is handled by a single blueprint rather than having to speak to the level itself. Super handy for rapid prototyping a level.