AGameNetworkManager Unresolved Externals

Getting unresolved externals when attempting to access the Game Network Manager.

Error 32 error LNK2019: unresolved
external symbol “private: static class
UClass * __cdecl
const *)”
referenced in function “class
AGameNetworkManager const * __cdecl
GetDefault AGameNetworkManager>(void)”

Am I missing a dependency in my Build.cs? It’s inside GameFramework, which is part of Engine, which I’m already including.

It looks like this class isn’t exported in the DLL. There is no ENGINE_API marking in the header. Not sure what the original intent was or whether it was set this way on purpose.

Depending on your need vs the original intent, we might be able to expose this for you in a future build. Or if you are compiling everything yourself, you can add the ENGINE_API there yourself for now.

What are you trying to do?

Adding ENGINE_API definitely fixed it.

I’m trying to access some of the functions inside the GameNetworkManager. Primarily WithinUpdateDelayBounds and ExceedsAllowablePositionError. Trying to write a prediction interface for a Pawn rather than use a character, no skeleton on my player controlled pawn.

Glad that helped. I’ll send a message to community support about your desire to have this change committed.

Thanks so much!