
UE初心者です。現在, landscapeを使ってマップを作成しています。
マテリアルをsubstance designerでつくり, 読み込んだのですが, タイル感が消えません。
シードを変えてみても, mapping scaleをかえてみてもあまり効果はないのですが,

thank you, I could do that.


The best way to eliminate tiling that will not go away is to use a macro texture. They are a set of textures that are used to break up the base color input in order to provide randomization. I found a great description of how they work in this answer https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/62632/what-are-macro-textures.html. You can actually just copy paste some great macro textures from the starter content materials. Take a look at both the grass materials, and my personal favorites are found in any of the base metals(such as copper). Hope this gets you in a useful direction.

From Google Translate just in case you do not speak english:

