How to check whether Character is on ground

how can I check whether the Character is on the Ground or not?
And if not, how can i get the location of the ground below him?

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Thank you,
but is it possible that he is jumping but not yet falling?

Hallo Curbeee!

There is a special functionality for this, get movement component and from that get is moving on ground!


Thank you!

Hi Curbee,

You can use “Is Falling” node and check fall state.


This function returns the false value when the character fall the ground. If it is not on the ground of the character return true value.

Could someone post a c++ example of this, because I am stumped trying to figure this one out?

In C++:

Include CharacterMovementComponent

#include "GameFramework/CharacterMovementComponent.h"

Check if Character is Moving on the Ground:

if (GetCharacterMovement()->IsMovingOnGround()) { //Isn't Jumping }


Hi, base on @anonymous_user_a9f83bc6 answer, please see below screen shot