IOS Metal Shader Compiler Crash in 4.16

Hi, I build my project for IOS on windows, when cooking the content, it is crashed with check(bNative == false || OfflineCompiledFlag == 1) in MetalShaderCompiler.cpp 1593 line.

I don’t know which material caused it crashed,it is ok with metal preview ,and with 4.15.3 , the cooking content process is ok.


I’m having this issue as well, but I’m compiling a c++ project. Could this be the problem as I read in the manual that only pure blueprint projects are supported for remote Mac compiling?


I have checked to compile with a mac,and it is the same result.

Thank you for your reply! I will test it and give a response.


Uncheck Share Material Shader Code in Packaging settings

Dose this works?

In my memory, the problem was solved.

Is there any way to make the cook process normal without unchecking it, because unchecking it will make the PSO useless