How to check whether a Character can move to a Location in NavMeshBoundsVolume?

how can I check whether an AI Character can move to a Location in NavMeshBoundsVolume?
For example how can I check whether it can move to the Location it is supposed to via SimpleMoveToLocation?

I you have continuous navmesh all over the place than simple navigation projection will do. If not you’ll have to find a path (and see what the result is, and where resulting path ends, if it exists at all). All of this can be done via BP (look for NavigaitonProjection and FindPath, or something similar - writing from the top of my head).



What is “simple navigation projection”? I can’t find anything about it or examples about it.

The information is sufficient to explore the systems cited. ‘Simple navigation projection’ is a conceptual approach, not a name of a system.