Questions regarding ShowFlag and Binds


I’m a bit confused to how ShowFlags work.

For example, if in the engine.ini file I have a command such as:

It does a certain effect within the game. In order to revert the effect, the game has to be closed, and that value has to be modified to 1. Now, is there no way to modify it in game with a console command so it changes on the fly without restarting the game? Because according to the documentation, I thought it should be possible with “show LightFunctions” but it doesn’t, I have to restart the game every time so I think I don’t understand how it works correctly.

My second question is, is there a way to bind console commands to keybinds? Let’s say I have a console command such as:

Is there a way to bind that so F1 does:
r.mipmaplodbias 5
and F2 does:
r.mipmaplodbias 0

I tried in the input.ini but I could not get it to work :frowning:

Thanks in advance for help!