Reflection only working in viewport and not in game mode

Hi everyone. I need some help with what I believe might be a bug. I’m working on an interior scene, and after carefully placing all my reflection capture actors, I noticed that for some reason they worked in viewport, but not in play mode. The screenshots I attached are where it is most evident, that is in the mirrors, but it’s affecting everything as I see surfaces with low roughness that look good in viewport and that drastically change in game mode.

Does anyone know what might be causing it? I’m using both screen capture and SSR, and I have a persistent level with all my meshes (and the reflection spheres) and a lighting level with the lights, which are all stationary.

Thanks in advance!

Game mode - no reflection

Viewport in edit mode - Correct reflection

Having the exact same issue in 4.16 - using forward rendering and box reflection captures with no SSR or Planar reflections. Very frustrating.

So it turned out to be a level streaming issue (possibly because of lighting scenarios). I merged my lighting level and the reflections came back at run-time.

I came to the same conclusion. I’d like to know if it’s a problem of the engine or if it was me who didn’t set up streaming levels properly.

Just ran into this myself, it was an oversight after splitting out ref. probes to their own level.

Right-click your level containing the reflection probes in the Levels palette and go Change Streaming Method > Always Loaded.

If you save your level after your changes. Reflections will be normal while using streaming levels.
