Question for custom rotation and location

I wan’t to create something nice, let me specify what i already have and what i need:

I created a cube actor blueprint. The cube actor is located at x423.0 cm, y1155, z80 on the grid and is rotating from the start of the level with a random rotator. The problem is that my cube actor is rotating way too fast. How can i slow the rotation down so it’s smoothly and randomly rotating?

What i need is the following:

  1. When i come close to the cube actor it keeps rotating and meanwhile the cube moves up to let’s say z300.

  2. After the location of z300 is reached i need the cube actor to stop it’s rotating movement at rotation x0 y0 z0.

  3. When i go away from the cube actor it needs to rotate again and reverse the location from z300 to z80 on the grid.

  4. I want a slow and smooth rotation of let’s say x1, y1, z1 and i need all of this to smoothly rotate and go up and down from the z80 to z300 and back to z80.

I’m really trying to get this working but so far i can’t get it right.

Thanks in advance.

Also when i put 10 or more cube actor’s in the level they all need to have a different rotation. How can i do this with blueprints?