How to get my Objectives to change to Complete in UI

Alright, so I have a lot of my game working well, however I am stumped right now! Alright so first of all, I have a Dialogue the NPC says to the Player. There are 3 objectives given. For simplicity I am narrowing it down to the First objective, get to screen 5 in the dialogue to make L&S true (or set to 1).

This should then go to the Quest 1 Goal 1 function where we see this…

Q1G1 FUNCTION ---->>>> CALL Q1RETURNS FUNCTION and GET Objective 1, 2, and 3’s VALUE [More on this later, picture below]

So we go to Q1RETURNS

HERE We are putting 2 and 2 together, if L&S is 1 (or true) than we want OBJECTIVE 1 true. Etc for the other 2 objectives. HOWEVER at this point when called even if I have clicked on Screen 5 in the dialogue the value for OBJ1 is FALSE, however it should be TRUE. SO after this function is run, it returns the values for Objective 1, 2 and 3.

Which brings us back to our Quest 1 Goal 1 function:

So I am asking Q1G1 to look at DialogueUI widget, get all the info it needs from it, then go to the function Quest1RETURNS so that we get data from the DialogueUI widget AND information on if the Objectives are True or False. I then have it print to screen so that I can check to make sure it is working before trying to even START messing with the UI again.

Speaking of here is how I am displaying the content to the player…

In the DialogueUI widget, where Screen 5 is housed, Screen 4 calls the function: Quest ONE. Which correctly displays 3 lines for the Objectives to go on, and the Background the Quest box is on top of. It correctly calls from the Quest_1 Sheet, Row 1: Objectives and displays Columns 1, 2, and 3.

When the player finishes 1 part of the quest, it should call Row 2: Complete and display Column 1, 2, or 3 [Each with the value TEXT: “Complete”]

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? What do I need to do to get these UI Textbox values to change? Thank you!