No leaving a Box Collision until you finish objection


Is there a way to force the player to stay in a box trigger until they complete a specific action.

Example: Player enters room. ---->> Event Actor Begin Overlap —>>> “Player must shoot the gun before leaving.”

Player attempts to turn around and leave the room without shooting. Message says, “You must shoot!” And keeps them in there, as if they are running against a wall.

Do I use a End overlap to achieve this? Is there a conditions Event I could use?

Thank you!!

You cant do this as far as I know. To achieve the effect you are looking for you can just add a door that opens when you perform the required action. If you dont want a door you can just put down blocking volumes to create invisible walls and activate them when the player enters the area. The way I would do this is:

Create a BP actor that has 4 blocking volumes and 1 overlapping volume. The blocking volumes are placed around the overlap volume and start as not enabled. Then, when the character overlaps the overlapping volume you use the OnBeginOverlap event to enable the blocking volumes and trap the character. Then, when the required action has been taken you deactivate the blocking volume and destroy the actor.