Android - Aliasing not working!

Hello friends,

I’m working on an interactive 360 video for GearVR with UE 4.16.1 for a client.

We map a 360 video on a sphere with the media player and have different triggers in the scene that pause and play the video at certain points in time - which is working perfectly fine.

The big problem is, that the Anti-Aliasing is not working. Changing settings on MSAA or anything else doesn’t have an effect on anything.

At some point we had a version with a 1920x1080 video. One build was pixelated and really bad in terms of aliasing - another build looked pretty smooth. Same thing with 3840x2178. So at some point in time one Build hat AA running and the next build - even without changing anything - had no AA anymore.

The version with 3840x2170 looks ok due it’s high resolution - the 1920x1080 version was so bad that you can’t watch it without getting sick. Looks almost like a pixel style rendering

Video has edgy / jittery lines. No anti-aliasing happening. Tried almost everything I found on the internet (Settings in different .ini files). Now I realized that I’m also getting a console output which says: “CVar named ‘r.MobileMSAA’ marked up in RendererSettings was not found or is set to read-only” as soon as I switch the Mobile MSAA value in the project settings. Don’t know if this is maybe a connection to my not working MSAA problem on GearVR.

Video looks super crisp without any aliasing in the editor playmode.

We use a Galaxy S7 (Europe).
We are running Windows 10
Tested resolutions: 1920x1080 and 3840x2160 both MP4 / H264

edit: changing the MipValueMode to “MipLevel (absolute, 0 is full resolution)” and setting it to 0 → the audio will play on the phone + gearvr but the video does not show up. In the meanwhile I also converted the video to a 2048x2048 resoltion

Anyone who can give me a hint in the right direction?


i think this link can help you.

can i get a solution for this please. fed up from 10 days not even finding single solution