How to remember Saved Levels in Blueprint?

I am creating a 2D Side Scroller Mobile Game with Multiple (100) levels.

I am trying to Save my Levels so that whenever a user launches the Game, the Levels that have been passed have a tick on them.

I have seen tutorials on how to Save a Game, but not one with individual / multiple Levels.

Steps would greatly help.


You should use some system that unlocks levels by number. And remember only that number. So initially this number will be 1, and only 1st level opened. When player finishes 1st level, you sill set it to 2, and so on.

With this you will construct levels selection screen by some loop, where saved number of opened levels used to set first N levels as opened, and other as locked.

There is tutorial, that explains how to save and load in blueprints.

When you create such setup, you will add opened levels variable to your SaveGame class and save/load it when its needed.

This tutorial is good, but what if there is multiple (100) levels.


Could you give more detailed steps.
And how would that store and load when the game is closed and re opened?
