Is this pc ready?

Hi again,
I my question today, is I found this pc
and I was wondering if it was powerful to run ue4, not just run
but, make a game with ultra graphics, im not really good at map number scale but I would say
gta 5 size map, and gta 5 graphics not to high not to low,
thats my question today

I looked over the specs and it looks like a good machine…could you provide more info on the exact specs of the processor, ram, video card etc… I noticed it comes in a lot of different configurations.

Thanks for reply, here are the specs, its from best buy

Windows 10 HomeNVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 8GB dedicated graphicsTechnical details: 6th Gen Intel® Core™ i7 processor; 16GB memory; 1TB hard driveSpecial features: built-in wireless networking; Bluetooth; dual HDMI outputs; keyboard and mouse

Sorry to take awhile to get back to you. Based on the specs you presented I do not see any problems you would have in achieving your development goals on that machine. Just remember to keep in mind what platform you are targeting as far as specs you expect your player to have. Though you do always want to design high and provide scaling options in most cases anyways.

Ok thanks for your help, and reply