My Blueprint Interface don't activate the event


I made 2 simple BPs and an inteface. The first BP set a bool variable to true and send it to the interface, this works, but the second BP which get the bool variable through the interface, the interface-evend doesn’t fire. Both Blueprints are actor-classes, both Blueprints are placed into the level.

By the input-Blueprint I’m not sure what should be setted as the tragget, should this self or the other Blueprint?

I put a reference of the dj_BP_Test_interface_BP as a Target, but it still doesn’t fire an event there

The target should be a reference to the object on which that function must be called. So in your case it must be the other blueprint instance.
Things you could try:

Test and make sure the reference to the other object is valid (use Is Valid node) before pssing it as target.

Cast that reference to type dj_BP_TestInterface_BP and then call the function on it.

^ Check what he said too

Are you making both BPs have an ‘implements interface’ thing in the Blueprint Properties dialog?
Then you need to use Cast To node I believe… not sure why though.

Ok I got it, the BP-ref wasn’t valid.
The error was that I didn’t set the “Target Blueprint” on the object which is placed in the world. Thanks!