Physics difference between PC and MAC / iOS

I’ve just built a cool hover rocket craft in blueprint. Works great on PC, even at fixed low frame rates.

On iOS and MAC it just falls over.

Seems like the CofG might be different - this hover rocket has a set of springs to support it and is quite sensitive to CofG offset from the spring centre. I’ve tried reimporting the mesh on MAC, but to no avail.

Doesn’t look like the calculated CofG is available to blueprint I guess I’ll go see if I can find it in C++.

To qualify “just falls over”. When I AddForce for the propulsion the rocket falls over. The springs are in the right place and without AddForce seem to do a good job of stabilizing the hover rocket - similar to the PC version.

Printing out the CofM/G location for a HoverRocket™ placed at 0,0,0 they’re identical on MAC and PC so it’s probably not that.

I based my suspension component on the tutorials but either missed a step or it’s missing.

Switching my hover force component (a spring force) to use the post physics update fixes the discrepancy on MAC and PC. (Blueprint node SetTickGroup).