How Create Event OnResize??? Is Possible?

Hi, I developer a resource in UMG as Fluid Panel to resize Panels in Dynamic Resolution…

I have already managed to create the functions that resizes the panels to the current resolution of the viewport but I need to perform that same function when the game window is resized … same as the javascript OnResize is there any available event ???

Still nothing? This seems like something you could use on a daily basis - like with 3d ui.

We Need Viewport Resized Event on BluePrint for ours Game.

Get Game User Settings → Bind Event To On Game User Settings UI Needs Update

This doesn’t work with Editor Viewport size changes only when using Standalone Game or actually building the project

Maybe this works with editor viewport size changes :

GEngine->GameViewport->Viewport->ViewportResizedEvent.AddUObject(this, &MyObj::MyFunction);
void MyObj::MyFunction(FViewport* ViewPort, uint32 val)

It’s from this post: