Enums localization problem

Hello all.
I am trying to translate my proyect to different languages.
I got all my words in some enums, one for the names of the objects, another for the sentences, and so on…

My problems is that: after translate the objects names, and some sentences using the localization dashboard, when i play my game in Stand alone game mode ( with -culture=en additional command), i can see the name of the objetcts in english, but no the sentences, those are still in spanish!

so, i really dont know why some text are in english and some others in spanish.

I revised what the gather text operation do and i notice this:

  • In the correct enums translations, the namespace/key fit with the Package/key on the original enumerator
  • In the incorrect translations, the namespace/key and the package/key from the enumerator are completly different !

So… my question is, why the gather text operation do not use the correct enumerator package/key number in some of them? i am missing something?
here you got 2 images to see the problem:

Several weeks ago, i made my first cooking, and i get the message about the enums. I resaved all of them and then i cooked again without problems.

Well. tables were my first idea to put the sentences in, but as you sayd that were added in 4.16, and i started the proyect a long time ago, so no tables avaiable.

The actual enums works well for the purpose, because i can make visible the variable pointing the enum and i can change the value very easy when i put objects on the map, from the object properties, selecting from the list.

Doing some test yesterday i notice that if i make new enums, they seem to work fine, so for any reason some of the old enums are broken

Anyway i am going to take a look to the new tables and try with them.

Do you have any warnings appear in the Output Log when loading that enum? (something about needing to re-save the asset to avoid issues with deterministic cooking and localization). If so, save the enums and gather again… unfortunately if the keys have changed then you’ll also have to re-apply the translations to the new keys.

I’ve also never seen anyone use enum display names as a localisation bank before… you’re actually lucky you used enum assets rather than enums in C++, as C++ enums store their display names in editor-only meta-data. It sounds like you were looking for something like the String Tables that were added in 4.16?