Migrating scene elements


Real newbie here. Just wondering is here a way to migrate certain level of a different project specifically directional lights and postprocessvolumes, things that don’t show in content… into another project to avoid setting things like that, copying values etc.

hey, thanks for answering, i only want to copy directional light and postprocessvolume from one level into another… not sure how I can do that?

one is like a room and other is forest… i would like to copy room’s light and postprocess value settings or whole into forest scene

hope it makes sense

Wow! thanks a lot !!! exactly what i was looking for! <3

Why exactly is migrating a level not working? It should contain all these values.

You can select them in the World Outliner, ctrl+c, then you just open your level and ctrl+v. It’s easy as that. Then you can migrate that level to another project.

Let me know if it helped! <3

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