Can't eliminate these lighting artifacts

Can’t figure out why i’m getting these artifacts and how to get rid of them

attaching a few images of the scene and the lightmass settings


I think that is a reflection. Did you try to adjust your material setting(roughness value)? Did you try to increase reflection resolution?


Thanks for the reply.

I’ve tried changing the roughness values in my materials but it does not help. I’ve also increased the reflection resolution from 128 to 512 and that didn’t change anything either.

My lightmap resolutions on all static meshes are at 1024 too. Do you know if anything else could be causing the artifacts?

nevermind. figured out why it was happening. was scaling down the mesh too much in unreal engine. no artifacts when i scale down the mesh in maya and bring it in to unreal engine at the right scale

Glad you fixed it. Can you mark this post as solved to keep hub clean? Thank you.