How do I get Unreal to look at local time on a computer

I’m looking at setting up an architectural walk-through on a building, but I want to set it up in such a way that means on a computer two or three hours ahead of me the lighting changes to match the time while showing the lighting on my machine as it is for my local time. I haven’t been able to come up with anything that would work in blueprints.

Any help is appreciated. Please let me know if clarification of my idea is needed.

You can get the local computer time by using the ‘Now’ Node, and then drag off of that and choose as time. From there you can either set up text variables, or split its structure pin and get integer values for both hours and minutes if you desire. Adding 3 to the hours will give you the time zones you want. I added screenshots below showing my simple setup for setting up the variables. They should be enough to create branches that can decide which lighting set up to use for your walk-through. I also included a screen shot of the split structure choice which can be brought up by right clicking your mouse on the ‘as time’ node and clicking on break struct pin.

I found this tutorial for using “Lighting Scenarios” to create a simple toggle of light settings in a visualization. It should get you what you need to easily put together both light setups and how to make the logic to switch between them.

Thanks for this. Sorry it’s taken so long to respond, I’ve been recovering from surgery to my shoulder and the recovery has been slow for me.