Rotating or moving the NavMesh/RecastNavMesh

Hey Everybody!

I have a question regarding navmeshes and was wondering whether anyone could provide some ideas.

Task: We have a map with bots which slowly rotates. Rebuilding the nav mesh dynamically is too expensive since the entire level changes, which requires a full rebuild every second or so. This generates significant, noticeable performance drops for a couple of frames, even if we optimize the nav mesh values or work with nav invokers.

Does anyone have an idea how this could best be handled? Since the map rotations, I thought about working with static navmeshes and simply rotating the RecastNavMeshes with the map, but that does not seem to have an effect. The “show Navigation” view doesn’t show any change in the navmeshes if I rotate the RecastNavMeshes or the NavMeshBoundsVolume.

Any ideas to follow/read up would be much appreciated!

Discussions that I’m aware of:

Hey Jiyko - that would be an option, but I think it would require modifying gravity direction, rotate all actors and the movement component (to get the right slope detection). I’m not sure how difficult modifying gravity and slope are, but I’ll look into it!

Can you rotate the Skybox instead of the map? Will give the same impression to the player.