Play Matinee on Key Press

I did setup a matinee in the level

I just want to play that matinee whenever I press a Keyboard key
I know i am missing out something , but when I simply add “Play” , it just plays once and not again

How do I set up this ?

Im not sure what matinee you mean, but maybe you should play it from start, or reverse/reset it before play again.

This should do the trick.

Edit: Wrong picture, whoops.

I don’t know about that node , what’s the function of that track?

I did exactly the same thing , with and without a flipflop node , but it doesn’t work , are you sure this will work ?
I think I’ll try again

A simple matinee with several animations inside it.
I just want to play it from start upon pressing the key . That’s it.

Did you add a Director Track to your sequence?