Look at Directional light to current view

hey guys,
i want to make an directional light that look at to the current view automatically via blueprint … (like as billboards or particle sprites)

how i can do this?

thanks … but i needs an universal BP … i mean an blueprint that contains an directional light that detects current view front vector automatically and then align light automatically … like as billboard behavior …

well … but it doesn’t work without camera!? the directional light have to align to the current view (with or without camera) … i want an blueprint code (event tick) that act like as billboard …

you mean that you want the sun to always face the direction the player is facing?

yup … but on reverse direction :]
i want this for better Rim lighting …

Create a new directional light INSIDE the character BP, so basically use it as any other component. Than you attach it to the camera boom and reset the rotation to 0,0,0. Now the sunlight should always face the direction your camera is facing. I hope that helps!

srry also remember to delete the old light and set the new one as movable. If i got it right you want it reversed so just rotate it 180 degrees in the character viewport =D

if you attach it to the camera the light is gonna automatically allign with your view. At least it works for me. If you need any blueprint script for the directiona light you could either set it up directly in the char BP or create a BP of the light and then use it as a component of the character (child actor component)

ok … solved it :]

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